Dear Frustrated Friend

There are some problems you know about and some you don’t.

This is true for everyone.

And because it’s true for EVERYONE…

This is one of the cornerstones of good copywriting.

Because you can’t show people a solution to a problem they don’t know they have.

So when building a copywriting promotion, you need to understand your market’s LEVEL OF AWARENESS.

It looks a bit like this:

Level 1 – no idea
Level 2 – aware of problem, not aware of solutions
Level 3 – aware of solutions, not aware of your solution
Level 4 – aware of your specific solution
Level 5 – considering buying your specific solution

When I was writing Sleep Like a Lion, I wanted to understand how to message people at their level of awareness.

So I conducted a quick poll on Twitter…

And it went like this:

There are 3 main sleep problems

Which one do you struggle with?

  1. I wake up feeling groggy
  2. I have trouble falling asleep
  3. I can’t stay asleep

And the answer was VERY useful.

Because 70% of people answered that they wake up feeling groggy.

Which told me EXACTLY what I needed to say, and the specific problem I needed to provide a specific solution to if I wanted to make my book HELPFUL to the most amount of people.

So that’s what I did.

The book provides solutions to all three problems.

But if you’re someone who wakes up feeling groggy rather than refreshed, then this is your lucky day.

Here’s the link you need:

P.S.P. French