Being Bruce Lee: How to Have Kick-Ass Ideas

“Ideas have made America what she is, and one good idea will make a man what he wants to be.” ~ Bruce Lee

You know you’ve found something good when it hits a nerve despite being written long before you were born by a martial arts legend.  My current bedside reading is Striking Thoughts: Bruce Lee’s Wisdom for Daily Living and it’s an absolute belter. Here’s a highlight.

Four idea principles. — The four idea principles are:

  • Find a human need, an unsolved problem
  • Master all of the essentials of the problem
  • Give a new ‘twist’ to an old principle
  • Believe in your idea – and act!

A five-step process to formulating ideas.

  • Gather materials
  • Masticate the facts
  • Relax and drop the whole subject
  • Be ready to recognise and welcome the idea when it comes
  • Shape and develop your idea into usefulness

Fairly excellent advice, I’m sure you’ll agree.

And Lee’s advice got me thinking about BIG IDEAS in copywriting.

He gave me the inspiration that led to this tweet:

Finding BIG, WINNING IDEAS is achieved by combing the PAST and the FUTURE

 PAST -> Ancient, biological desires (health, wealth, relationships)


 FUTURE -> Angles that haven’t been used yet (unique mechanisms)
 Focus on combining the past and the future 

I’m pretty smug about this tweet.

It hasn’t exactly taken off, but The Real Wolf Online did retweet it with the following comment:

I don't know why this tweet doesn't have thousands of likes and retweets.

Suppose this is excellent news for every one of us, who grasped the point. 

It’s probably because I don’t have many followers.

Or I tweeted at the wrong time of day.

I don’t know at this point.

Time will tell.

But it goes back to what I was saying yesterday about how HypeFury allows you to effortlessly schedule retweets of your favorite tweets so that not only past followers can see them, but your FUTURE followers too.

If you want to do the same, here’s the link: 

Paul French