The Effective Executive, by Peter Drucker

If you only ever read one book on having an impact, make it this one. Forget all the rest.

The Effective Executive just kept popping up over the years, and not necessarily from people who are concerned with productivity. I decided to read it when I started a new job at the biggest company I’ve worked in so far, which brought new challenges.

For all the advice and systems out there, the essence of productivity is simple. It’s your ability to concentrate, to dive into something and not do anything else until it’s done. Which is why reading another book won’t help. Reading books can itself be a form or procrastination, albeit a cleverly disguised one.

Effective vs. Productive

But the bit ‘productive’ people can spend a lifetime missing is that it’s perfectly possible to be really good at getting the wrong things done. This is which is where Drucker steps in. To guard against this, and become effective:

  • Record where your time goes
  • Focus your vision on contribution, the bigger  picture
  • Make your strengths productive
  • Prioritize by importance, not urgency
  • Take rational action

Other details I liked were case studies about asking what needs to be done, making plans, taking responsibility, focusing on opportunities rather than problems and being open to disagreements, because they reveal the best course of action.

You can get your copy of The Effective Executive on Amazon (US) or